Organisational Development Case Study

This case study looks at an Organisational Development project delivered in a complex Cross Cultural Setting tapping into the creative resources unique to multicultural teams.

MyNT - the Multicultural Youth Council of the NT - approached John Jablonka to facilitate the development of their sustainability plan.

MyNT needed a plan that fulfilled the criteria set by their donor and that extended their capacity as young leaders to plan and implement their activities in a sustainable manner.

Assisted by Annie Sloman, (an Indonesia /Timor Leste based associate) John Jablonka worked with the crew of MyNT to define their values vision and tie these in with the activities they were interested in doing.

This process generated concepts and metaphors that led to the 'bus' image as a framework for the sustainability plan.


Graphic designers in the crew worked to put the 'bus' concept into practice and each MyNT committee member took on a section to develop - including financial plans and detailed action plans.

The MyNT team said they learnt so much - "it was like doing an intensive University course in business and organisational development".

Food and laughs and many late nights were shared and the results can be seen by the creative outcome - MyNT's plan

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