
Cross Cultural References
Adler, P. 1974. Beyond Cultural Identity: Reflections on Cultural and Multicultural Man. In R. Brislin (ed.), Topics in Culture Learning 11, Culture Learning Institute, East-West Centre, Honolulu.
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Anderson, L. 1994. A New Look At An Old Construct: Cross cultural Adaptation. International Journal of Intercultural Relations. 18, 293–328.
Bain, M.S. 1992 The Aboriginal White Encounter: towards Better Communication. Summer Institute of Linguistics, Darwin.
Bennett, J. M. 1986. Modes of Cross Cultural Training: Conceptualising Cross cultural Training as Education. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, Vol. 10, No. 2, pp. 117–133.
Bennett, J. M. 1986. A Developmental Approach to Training for Intercultural Sensitivity. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, Vol. 10, No.2, pp. 179–196.
Bochner, S. (ed.). 1982. Cultures in Contact: Studies in Cross Cultural Interaction. Pergamon Press Oxford.
Downing, J. 1984. Readings in Communication and Consultation, Darwin Community College.
Eckermannn, A. 1994. One Classroom, Many Cultures: Teaching Strategies for Culturally Different Children, Allen & Unwin.
Goddard, Cliff. 2000. Cultural scripts and semantic primes: new tools for language teaching and language learning. Keynote address for global forum on mind, culture and drama in language study. U. Wisconsin-Madison, February.
Hope, A. Timmel, S. & Hodzi, C. 1987. Training For Transformation: A Handbook For Community Workers. Mambo Press Gweru, Zimbabwe.
Landis, D. & Bhagat, R (eds) 1996. Handbook of Intercultural Training. Sage. Thousand Oaks, California.
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Sustainable Development & Capacity Building References
Alliance for Non Profit Management 2003.,
Annan, K (2000). Preface, World Economic and Social Survey 2000,
Ashe, John W. (2004). Chairman of CSD-13 Commission on Sustainable Development,
First Implementation Cycle 2004–2005
Bach Tan Sinh (2002). Government and NGO Partnerships in Managing Community Based Water Resources in Vietnam: a Case study of Thai Long Dam Project, Business Strategy and the Environment, March/April, 11 (2), pp. 119–129.
Bolger, J (2000). Capacity Development, Why, What and How? CIDA Policy Branch, Occasional Series, 1 (1).
Byrne, Alison & Vincent, Robin. 2004. Learning in Partnerships, Briefing Paper, Bond/Exchange, London, May.
CIWEM (The Chartered Institution of Water and Environmental Management, Sustainable Development).
Drew, Roger (2002). Learning in Partnership: What Constitutes Learning in the Context of South – North Partnership, discussion paper jointly commissioned by BOND and the Exchange Programme INTRAC.
Hardi, P. & Zdan, T. (1997). Assessing Sustainable Development: Principles in Practice, IISD (International Institute for Sustainable Development), Canada.
Hart, M. (1998–2000). Sustainable Community Indicators Trainer’s Workshop, developed with US EPA’s Office of Sustainable Ecosystems and Communities (OSEC) under a cooperative agreement with Lowell Centre for Sustainable Production at the University of Massachusetts, Lowell.,
Hawe, P., King, I., Noort, M., Jordens, C. & Lloyd, B. (2000). Indicators to Help with Capacity Building in Health Promotion, Australian Centre for Health Promotion, NSW Health.
Horton, D. (2002). Planning, Implementing and Evaluating Capacity Development, ISNAR Briefing Paper 50,
Hounslow, B. (2002). Community Capacity Building Explained, Stronger Families Learning Exchange,
Kapoor, I. (1995). Public Sector Management in Developing Countries, Political and Social Policies Division, Policy Branch, CIDA
Lewellen, T. (1995). Dependency and Development: An Introduction to the Third World, Bergin and Garvey, London.
Lewis, David (1998). Development NGOs and the Challenge of Partnership: Changing relations between North and South, in Social Policy and Administration; Vol. 32, Issue 5, p. 501 (12pp).
Martinussen, J. (1997). Society, State and Market: A Guide to Competing Theories of Development, Zed Books, London.
Nazmul, H. (2002). Household Energy, Gender, and Development: A Case from North-east Bangladesh, Journal of Environmental Studies and Policy New Delhi Dec,
5 (2), p. 127.
NSW Health (2001). A Framework for Building Capacity to Improve Health, NSW Health Department, Gladesville, NSW.
SDCN (Sustainable Development Communications Network) (25/02/05),
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Sittirak, Sinith (1998). The Daughters of Development: Women in a Changing Environment. Zed Books, London 1998.
Taylor, James (2002). The Poverty of ‘Partnerships, CDRA Nugget, October 2002,
TEAR FUND (1992). ‘The Wheel of Development’, in Footsteps, No. 13, December 1992, pp. 8–9.
TEAR FUND (2005). ‘Beyond Survival’ by Ross Farley & Ben Thurley in Project Micah Resource pack.
UN (2005) UN Millennium Development Goals,
UNDP (1995). The Human Development Report 1995, UNDP,
UNDP (1997). Capacity Development, Technical Advisory Paper 2, Management Development and Governance Division, Bureau for Policy Development,
UNDP (2004). The Human Development Report 2004, http//, accessed 18/02/05
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UNHCHR (2002a). Human Rights in Development,
Wallace, Tina (2003). ‘Trends in UK NGO’s: a Research Note’, in Development in Practice, Vol. 13, No. 5, November, pp. 564–569.
WCED (World Commission on Environment and Development) (1987). Our Common Future. Oxford University Press, Oxford.
Wells, J. & McEwan, T. (2004). Gender Mainstreaming: Moving from Principles to Implementation: The Difficulties, Development Bulletin, No. 64 , March 2004, An ACFOA Discussion Paper.
World Bank (1997). Partnership for Capacity Development in Africa, A Progress Report, World Bank.
Werner, D. & Bower, B. (1986). Helping Health Workers Learn (A book of methods, aids and ideas for instructors at the village level). The Hesperian Foundation, California 1982.

Cultural Sustainability Resources
Culture and Development in Viet Nam (United Nations Discussion Paper) (Some excellent definitions, an overview and reasoning as to why culture is so important to sustainable development)
“Our Creative Diversity” (the de Cuellar Report)
Cultural Indicators of Development
Human Development Report 2004: Cultural Liberty in Today's Diverse World
Culture and Development: Strategy Guidelines
A report on the proceedings of a Conference on Culture and Public Action, held at the World Bank in Washington DC June 30 – July 1 2002, can be found at the following site, and papers from this Conference are available.  (The introduction has some good stuff)
A local example from Canberra:
A framework for environmental, economic, social and cultural sustainability practices was developed for the National Capital Authority in Australia - FOCUS (1997) Sustainable Development – Updating the Theory, for National Capital Authority, Canberra
Intergovernmental Conference on Cultural Policies for Development (Stockholm 1998) URL_ID=18717&URL_DO=DO_TOPIC&URL_SECTION=201.html
UNESCO Sustainable Development
Derek Cleland – personal communication to Cross Cultural Consultants, October 2006. An organisation dedicated to advocating for the rights and survival of tribal peoples.
The above web links were sourced by Cross Cultural Consultants and were viable on 29/1/07

Mentoring Resources
CSP (2004) Mentoring,
Mentors Online, Mentors Orientation Tutorial,,

McGill, I and Beatty, L , (2001) (2nd Ed), Action learning: A practitioner’s guide, Kogan Page London
UNSW Staff Development (2005), Mentoring,,

Till, J (2001) Mentoring Across Cultures,, accessed 20/06/05
Starr, J (2003) The Coaching Manual, Pearson Education Limited, Great Britain
Birch, P. (2001). Instant Coaching. Kogan Page: London.
Bjork, R. (ed). (1991). In the Mind's Eye: Enhancing Human Performance. National Academy Press: Washington.
Daloz, L. (1999). Mentor: Guiding the Journey of Adult Learners. Jossey Bass: California.
Downey, M. (1999). Effective Coaching. Orion: London.
Fitzgerald, C. (2002). Executive Coaching practices and Perspectives. Davies Black: California.
Johnson, K. (2002). Being an Effective Mentor. Corwin Press: California.
Thorne, K. (2001). Personal Coaching: Realising Potential at Work. Kogan Page: London.
Whitworth, L. et al. (1998). Coactive coaching. Davies Black: California.
Zeus, P. & Skiffington, S. (2001). The Complete Guide to Coaching at Work. McGraw Hill: Australia.